As I’m standing on the verge of taking a big lifestyle decision, namely, applying for a new rental apartment which is not quite double the size of our current place but costs 3 times more… I am asking myself: When is it worth to splurge and when to be frugal and minimalist? I look back…
Spring Cleaning of The Mind
I’m a big fan of Mari Kondo and the KonMari method for decluttering. I have done it numerous times with my clothes, books, and other material possessions. The moment has come – I run out of things to declutter! 😳 So, why not apply the method to the mental clutter? Here’s a simple checklist for…
Packing for my return on the Camino de Santiago
Have you ever experienced complete freedom? Connecting with Nature, witnessing sunrises and sunsets, experiencing the strength of your body, being welcomed and taken care of, diving into stimulating conversations with people from all over the world, and tasting the most delicious food? I have encountered an extreme concentration of the goodness of life on the El Camino…
Honoring My Compass: Interview With Sarah Burch
Hello there! This is the second interview of the guest post/interview series by people who are well on their way to financial independence (FI) or have reached it already. It’s pleasure to invite Sarah Burch to the stage. I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did! ****** Can you introduce yourself? My name is…
5 Mindful Shopping Tips Will Save You a Lot of Money
Confessions of a Minimalist Somewhere in-between the 100 Things challenge and decluttering my garderobe I became the opposite of a shopaholic. I get way more pleasure from freeing myself of stuff than shopping. Malls became too overwhelming and I am rarely tempted to make purchases. Online shopping, on the contrary, is still something that I can hardly…
Glimpses of the Camino de Santiago
Words don’t suffice to describe what one experiences walking the thousand-year-old pilgrimage route across Spain. The Camino de Santiago is different for everyone and still the same. These are some glimpses of my time on the way. ****** – ¡Hola, buenos días! – ¡Buen camino! There’s hardly anyone awake in this sleepy Spanish village except for…
My Camino de Santiago Light Packing List
The following Camino de Santiago packing list has been tried and tested by myself walking 220km of the Camino de Santiago in Spain for a total of 10 days. ****** Ladies and gentlemen, lo and behold! I just reached a new level of my minimalist game! I walked 220km for a total of 10 days only with cabin luggage. The…
How Putting your House in Order Can Change Your Life
This is post #23 from the 30 Day Personal Finance Challenge: Boost Your Financial Health with a Daily Tip! The KonMari method kept me busy for a couple of weekends in a row! It was an enjoyable process which left me with a perfectly tidy garderobe, lots of space and a clearer mind. When your room is clean and…
Can You Live with Only 100 Things?
This is post #9 from the 30 Day Personal Finance Challenge: Boost Your Financial Health with a Daily Tip! David Bruno, an author, and entrepreneur was troubled with the excessive consumerism in America. He worried about its effect on his own life. Everywhere we look, we have stuff. We are overwhelmed! – David Bruno To address his concern,…
Why I Don’t Do Christmas
Overheard at a crowded Christmas market in Berlin: – Mom, I have another wish for Christmas.– What is it? (holding breath)– …insert a random item…– How much does it cost?– 250€– I will think about it. Even more unsettling messages stare at me from the billboards and shop windows: “It’s the perfect gift for her”…