Now that I have defined my two goals and I dropped the search for a BIG life purpose out of the way, I am ready to pick the tools I want to work with. Here are the first two: Life Coaching which I previously wrote about and my Empowerment Ritual. As one of the first…
2018 Reads – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
A friend inspired me to take a closer look at what I read. After reading a book, he writes a short summary of the main learnings, ideas and favorite quotes from the book. He sets a calendar reminder to review the summary after a month. He reviews his initial summary once he had the chance…
Packing for my return on the Camino de Santiago
Have you ever experienced complete freedom? Connecting with Nature, witnessing sunrises and sunsets, experiencing the strength of your body, being welcomed and taken care of, diving into stimulating conversations with people from all over the world, and tasting the most delicious food? I have encountered an extreme concentration of the goodness of life on the El Camino…
The Goal is Dead. Long live the Goal
7 months ago I wrote about my tendency to start projects with enthusiasm only to lose interest as time passes. Spring and summer are gone and this same topic is still on my mind. I wanted to create, I wanted to progress, I just didn’t know where to start and what was blocking me. A Dilemma…
The Love of the Start, the Dread of Following Through
I love reading about failure! It is much more common and real than success. Other people struggle too. Other people’s lives are not as shiny and flawless as they appear on Instagram and the happy blogs. It’s not only me. We are all humans and we all get lost and demotivated. Has this ever happened to…
2017 Goals – Final Review
Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away there was a girl who dreamed a lot. She knew that in order to make reality out of her dreams, she needed to set clear goals, break them down into action points and hit the road ticking some To Do boxes. She even insisted that…
5 Mindful Shopping Tips Will Save You a Lot of Money
Confessions of a Minimalist Somewhere in-between the 100 Things challenge and decluttering my garderobe I became the opposite of a shopaholic. I get way more pleasure from freeing myself of stuff than shopping. Malls became too overwhelming and I am rarely tempted to make purchases. Online shopping, on the contrary, is still something that I can hardly…
6-Month Sabbatical: What to Expect
Today’s the last day of my sabbatical! I can’t believe it’s been six months since I left the office on a chilly Friday evening in January 2017. A retrospective is due. Where did all this time go?! Our perception of time is a strange thing. Back then, the upcoming half a year felt like a foggy…
Glimpses of the Camino de Santiago
Words don’t suffice to describe what one experiences walking the thousand-year-old pilgrimage route across Spain. The Camino de Santiago is different for everyone and still the same. These are some glimpses of my time on the way. ****** – ¡Hola, buenos días! – ¡Buen camino! There’s hardly anyone awake in this sleepy Spanish village except for…
My Camino de Santiago Light Packing List
The following Camino de Santiago packing list has been tried and tested by myself walking 220km of the Camino de Santiago in Spain for a total of 10 days. ****** Ladies and gentlemen, lo and behold! I just reached a new level of my minimalist game! I walked 220km for a total of 10 days only with cabin luggage. The…