In December of 2016, I shared 13 steps to become mighty real on your goals. I followed my own advice and proudly put my goals on the wall. I claimed all you needed to do was to bring those wishes and desires to the light of day, and then they will become reality. It’s 3 months down…
How I Overcame My Biggest Fear
People! I can drive! What does this have to do with personal finance or financial independence? Everything and nothing. Read on. My History with (not) Driving: You see, for a very, very long time driving for me was a dread. I got my driving license when I was 18. I had my driving lessons on a manual transmission…
13 Things I learned on a 30 Day Challenge
This is post #30 from the 30 Day Personal Finance Challenge: Boost Your Financial Health with a Daily Tip Exactly 30 days I ago I started the Personal Finance Challenge! On one side, I was challenging you to put in shape your finances. On the other side, it was for myself to force me to write a…
Test Drive Your Dream
This is post #21 from the 30 Day Personal Finance Challenge: Boost Your Financial Health with a Daily Tip! My dream (and goal) is to be financially independent. Tomorrow I start a special kind of test drive. I am taking 6 months to travel, write this blog, take pictures, meet new people, jump from bridges, hike, swim,…