Let me share a perspective. I see Money as a friend. The more care and respect you treat them with, the more they will stick around. If you don’t appreciate Money or completely ignore them, they will run away from you. Money of itself is not dirty. It’s the concepts around Money that might put you off or make you feel…
Budgeting for Couples – 4 Ways to Do It
Money is one of the biggest stressors in a relationship. For many couples, the financial topic is a delicate one. They avoid and neglect it until it’s too late. I have written my opinion about the importance of having the money talk as soon as possible. Here I will outline a few ways in which you…
How I Cut My Expenses in Half
This is post #28 from the 30 Day Personal Finance Challenge: Boost Your Financial Health with a Daily Tip! Once I knew how much I spend and for what, I could see what my biggest expenses are. The best way to approach cutting your expenses is to face the biggest pains first and then optimize the rest. My biggest…
Don’t Pay for What You Don’t Use
This is post #14 from the 30 Day Personal Finance Challenge: Boost Your Financial Health with a Daily Tip! We have all made rushed and impulsive financial decisions. Today’s tip is to look back and re-evaluate your choices. Be brutal, be honest, and cut these money leaks! Ask yourself: What am I paying but I: –…
Start Tracking Your Expenses Now!
This is post #5 from the 30 Day Personal Finance Challenge: Boost Your Financial Health with a Daily Tip! Does this sound familiar? You received your paycheck and continued blissfully with your life – “Everything is fine. I have enough”. Only to discover shortly after that your checking account has drained… The most mysterious part is…
What Are My Basic Monthly Expenses?
The road to financial independence always comes down to two factors: income and expenses. One side of the equation is how much money I earn every month and the other is how much I spend. Although I am a firm believer that I am the creator of my reality, the truth is that increasing one’s income…