In my Coaching training process, I am coached a lot. A lot. One of the best things that have come up from all the coaching is the immense opening of space by finishing incomplete tasks or as I call them …
The Moles
The moles take space. The moles usually live under the surface and they pop up here and there, uninvited and interrupt the flow. Here are some of my moles that I kindly invited to hit the road:
- contact 2 people who I wanted to catch up with for months, but never got the time
- express a disappointment which was taking space and making the relationship between me and a friend awkward
- finish a mobile I was building for my baby
- declutter my meditation space which led to re-arranging the whole bookcase
- sort out okay-ish books Mari-Kondo style and leave only the ones that spark joy
- book the exam component for my coach training – it costs a lot of money and I was postponing it although I knew I wanted the certification
- sort out the baby drawer – you know how quickly babies grow out of clothes?! It’s unbelievable!
- finish the application for my maternity benefits
- get in touch with my tax advisor
- contact my employer
- complete the German citizenship application
- fix annoying things around the house
🔨 To-Dos Whac-A-Mole game
I’ve been carrying around all these things, emotions, words, appointments. Until I cleared them out one by one.
After completion of each and every one of these tasks, it was immediately filled by something new: another letter from the bank, a tax document, a bill, piling clothes, “let’s catch up”s.
But you can get ahead, my friend.
What will keep you hooked on freeing up space is having the free space.
And the special cases when instead of a new letter from the bank you’ll suddenly get energy, you’ll get ideas, things that previously felt impossible and didn’t fit. Things that you wanted to have, they’ll now find their spot because space has cleared up. It’s a kind of Magic!
🤳I have content
After I expressed my disappointment with a friend via a simple voice message, I got the whole new realization:
I have enough content to start a podcast, to start a Youtube channel. I have recordings of all my Toastmasters speeches (around 14 at this moment of time), I can publish them, I have everything.
My partner has been nudging me for years to publish my Toastmasters speeches, to add videos to my blog posts, to record video and voice. He saw the possibility, I did not.
I wanted it, but the wish was not strong enough to actually do it. It somehow didn’t fit. I didn’t see the purpose. I was finding excuses.
Now that space opened, it became clear as a day that I can publish the video content. This was the step I was waiting for. Now it is the time. Stay tuned for it!
🦋 Trade the moles for butterflies
So, that realization got me hooked to keep freeing space, to keep tidying up my closet, to move the heavy furniture out of the way. I have butterflies in my stomach instead of moles showing up here and there.
I never know what will open up. I never know what will come out of these catch-up calls with friends. I never know what is waiting for me at the door, nicely packaged, just waiting for me to bring it in and unpack it 🎁
Special acknowledgment to my peer coach, and the accountability he provides, I was able to gain momentum and to keep the energy flowing.
Back to you
Does this resonate? Sounds familiar? What’s the first thing that comes to mind that needs completion? Go get it, tiger!
What a lovely sentiment! I have been trying to tackle my own never ending list of to dos, so far I have found prioritizing really helpful.
I give my nagging items 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place metals as a reminder of my priorities. I realized a lot of my priorities revolve around money. 😬 Who knew??
Hi BLL 🙂
Nice to e-meet you! Such an awesome idea to publish your Life list.
I saw “Color run” and “Spend the night in a luxe tree-house” on your Future Expeditions List and I had to laugh. I want to do that too!
“Fly with a hot air balloon” is on my list – you got that too.
Openning space allows for all these fun, quirky things to happen!