Money Consciousness and consciousness, in general, is the key to everything. Today I have a special guest to share her insights into the inner workings of it.
I knew Annemieke would be my friend the moment I met her at a Consciousness retreat on Crete. One year, 2 coaching cycles and many skype calls later Annemieke became not only a friend but a loyal and fun company on the longest journey in my life.
The longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart. – a Sioux Indian saying
Without further ado, Annemieke Jansen, the stage is yours:
Hi there, my name is Annemieke Jansen, I’m 33 years old and I’m a Consciousness Coach.
About 1,5 years ago I did the Conscious Living 1 (a 4-day self-realization training by Creative Consciousness), the first of many after that. Since then I’ve been learning so much about myself and I love every step of this journey.
To discover, explore and look at all the things I do subconsciously and to choose to either continue doing it, consciously, or to let that habit go, shows me that I can create the life I want. That I can be who I am in my soul. That I can be authentic.
Easy? No way Jose! But to follow this path towards ME keeps me out of my comfort zone and fully alive.
Kate asked me to answer some questions in an interview, about financial independence. I hesitated at first because although financial independence would be a really nice side-effect, it is not something I consciously strive for. She adapted the interview for me so I could explain a bit more about consciousness and the link to financial independence.
Since I am a bit of a rebel, I decided not to go with the questions literally but to keep them as a guideline. I hope you’ll appreciate it, Kate 😉
Money Consciousness
To kick-off, let me explain how I see the link between consciousness and financial independence. Where I come from in this explanation is my belief that we create our reality by what we subconsciously believe to be true. Our conditioning, society, how we were raised; all together they form our way of looking at the world and therefore our reality.
So if this is where you come from, and you want to create financial independence, the first thing I would advise you to do is to look at your relationship with money.
What do you think about money?
It’ll bring me happiness.
Money is the root of all evil.
It’s hard to manifest a lot of money.
I’m not good, handsome, worthy, ambitious, … (fill in the blanks) enough to be financially independent.
Money must flow.
I have to save a lot of money to pay for unexpected expenses.
All of these can be subconscious, you might not be aware of it at all. If your parents raised you with the belief that there is enough money for everyone, you’re more likely to reach your independence with less effort than if your parents kept telling you “you cannot have that, we cannot afford it”. They, on their turn, were also raised and conditioned a certain way.
Make the unconscious, conscious
Once you’ve discovered your beliefs about money, you made the unconscious, conscious. And that’s where your power is. You can decide to let go of this belief.
Yes, easy as that, just decide it, and feel what that does to you. You might want to remind yourself of it every once in a while.
Here’s what Marc Steinberg, the founder of Creative Consciousness has to say about it:
It doesn’t matter whether you like money or not, you can’t live without it. Money often upsets people, because it is terribly honest. A hundred dollars are a hundred dollars, not 95, 70 or a mistake.
Money is Isness. Our stories fail to change Isness. What is, is; and what is not, is not. I know hardly anybody who can just BE with money, no stories attached. That combined with the perspective that reality is a delayed reaction to consciousness, allows for the question whether people have money or money has them.
If money has you, then you don’t have money – it’s as simple as that. And because only Isness is business, the more you are in story regarding your money, the less you have it. -Marc Steinberg, founder of Creative Consciousness
Ask yourself: do you have money or does money have you? Can you look at money without stories, without judgment, neither positive nor negative?
Can you BE with money, so that money can BE with you?
I believe that if I sit down every once in a while to see what role money plays in my life, what judgments and stories I have about it, and to see how I can let go of those, that money just might choose to be with me. And it’ll have one simple reason for that; if you can choose to be with someone who sees you as you are, opposed to someone that only judges you, where would you go?
Feel free to contact me if you want to explore what Consciousness Coaching can do for you, on this subject or others. My website is
Wishing you freedom, abundance and money-happiness!
****** Kate App: Here’s my experience with coaching: Coaching and How It Helps You Achieve Your Goals ******
Prosperity Affirmation
Source: Will Bowen (author of A complaint free world)
I am the source of all wealth. I am rich with creative ideas. My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts. What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it. My value is beyond reckoning. What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and give. What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfil.
The bounty of my mind is without hindrance or limit. Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness. The overflowing power of life energy overcomes every obstacle and pours out into the world, blessing and prospering everyone and everything through me.
I radiate blessings, I radiate creativity, I radiate prosperity, I radiate loving service. I radiate joy, beauty, peace, wisdom and power. Humanity seeks me and rewards me. I am beloved of the world, I am wanted wherever I go, I am appreciated. What I have to offer is greatly desired. What I have to offer brings a rich reward.
Through my vision, the world is blessed. Through my clear thinking and steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression. My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones, my faith is the faith of the undefeatable, my power accomplish is unlimited.
I am all wealth, all power, all productivity. I hereby declare my financial freedom, NOW and henceforth forever!
Freedom seeker, you liked Annemieke Jansen’s interview about money consciousness? Go check out all the other interviews from the Freedom Seekers Community series.
Photo credit: Annemieke’s private archive, header made with Canva