The interest rates on home loans are at all times low. The interest rates on savings are close to zero. It’s logical to ask yourself: What do I do with my money? You are bombarded with all kinds of ‘wise’ advice and marketing messages: Don’t make your landlord rich – instead of paying rent, invest in your own…
Archives for April 2017
Budgeting for Couples – 4 Ways to Do It
Money is one of the biggest stressors in a relationship. For many couples, the financial topic is a delicate one. They avoid and neglect it until it’s too late. I have written my opinion about the importance of having the money talk as soon as possible. Here I will outline a few ways in which you…
What Happened to My 2017 Goals – 1st Quarter Review
In December of 2016, I shared 13 steps to become mighty real on your goals. I followed my own advice and proudly put my goals on the wall. I claimed all you needed to do was to bring those wishes and desires to the light of day, and then they will become reality. It’s 3 months down…